User N. | Jan 18, 2016 | 0 Comments
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Five to Try Series: Ingredient #3 Pine Nuts

Crunchy yet soft. Sweet yet savory. Pine nuts are a favorite in Italian kitchens for these very reasons. Pine nuts have a way of adding a subtle crunch to dishes that yearn for something special. They’re also rich in history and rich in antioxidants, so eat up!

Pine Nut Facts:
  • Pine nuts are the small edible seeds in the female cones of pine trees.  They've been eaten and enjoyed across Europe and Asia since the Paleolithic period.
  • There are many different kinds of pine nuts.  The European variety are long and slender while Asian pine nuts are shorter and stubbier.
  • Pine nuts are a great source of plant-derived nutrients, minerals, vitamins and mono-unsaturated fatty acids to help reduce cholesterol.
Pine Nut Tips:
  • Pine nuts aren't only for pesto.  They're a great addition to many sauces, salads, vegetable dishes and even breads.
  • When buying whole unshelled pine nuts, look for those featuring a bright brown color and uniformity in size.  They should also be free from cracks and spots or a bad smell.  Store your shelled pine nuts in airtight plastic bags or jars and always try to buy fresh nuts from authentic stores, when possible.
  • Some people are highly allergic to pine nuts, so make sure you ask your guests before liberally sprinkling them onto every dish.
Ways to Try Pine Nuts:

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