User N. | Feb 18, 2016 | 0 Comments
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Rosemary: Freshen Up Your Dash Stash

Which Italian herbs are spice-rack staples in Tuttorosso kitchens?  We're exploring some of our favorite Italian spices that we recommend always having on-hand.  First up, we're deep diving into rosemary and why this woody herb is the perfect seasoning for so many Italian classics.

Spice #1: Rosemary:
Rosemary isn't just a Christmas decoration.  This strong, woody herb is part of the Mint family and adds a refreshing flavor to everything from breads and desserts to meats and soft cheese all year long.

About Rosemary:
  • Rosemary grows in the wild throughout the Italian countryside and across the Mediterranean.  Its botanical name Rosemarinus officinalis is derived from Latin meaning "dew of the sea," most likely referring to its pale blue flowers.
  • During the Middle Ages, rosemary supposedly repelled evil spirits.  People would often keep sprigs under their pillows to chase away bad dreams.
  • A symbol of fidelity, friendship and loyalty, rosemary has also been used quite frequently in wedding bouquets throughout history.
Pairs Well With:
Apples, asparagus, basil, citrus/lemon, cranberry, fennel, garlic, grains, mushrooms, marjoram, onion, oregano, parsley, thyme, tomatoes.

Storing Rosemary:
  • When stored properly, fresh rosemary lasts a long time in the fridge; longer than any other herb.
  • To store fresh rosemary, roll it up in a damp paper towel, loosely wrap it in plastic wrap and throw it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.
  • If you've got more fresh rosemary than you know what to do with, dry it yourself.  Clip the fresh rosemary sprigs off the plant and wait for it to dry.  Then strip off its piney leaves and store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
Recipes to Try with Rosemary:

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