User N. | Jan 08, 2016 | 0 Comments
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Five to Try Series: Ingredient #1 Anchovies

Beloved by some and feared by many, these small, oily fish are a staple in Italian kitchens. And for good reason. There’s a lot to love about these little fish. Not only are they affordable and sustainable, they’re also big on flavor, making them the perfect addition to sauces, dressings and pastas.

Anchovy Facts:

  • Anchovies have been eaten around the world for thousands of years. They’re mostly used in the Italian regions of Campania, Calabria and Sicily.
  • Packed in olive oil and salt, anchovies are an easy way to add depth and complexity to many dishes, offering umami—the coveted fifth taste. In fact, anchovies are often the secret ingredient in many dishes when you can’t put your finger on what makes it taste so exciting.
  • Anchovies are packed with protein and other nutrients like Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Calcium.

Anchovy Tips:

  • Salt-packed anchovies and oil-packed anchovies can be used interchangeably in recipes. However, oil-packed anchovies are slightly saltier and should be soaked prior to use in cold water, milk or dry white wine for 30 minutes.
  • Replace anchovy filets for anchovy paste, if you prefer (the ratio is ½ teaspoon of paste for every anchovy called for in a recipe).
  • Remember that anchovies are quite salty, so back off a bit on the seasoning when you first start using them.
  • If you don’t use the whole tin or jar of anchovies, the leftovers will keep for up to two months when covered and kept in the refrigerator.

Ways to Try Anchovies:

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